Thursday, November 28, 2019
Aggregates and Social Aggregates in Sociology
Aggregates and Social Aggregates in Sociology Within sociology, there are two kinds of aggregates that are commonly used: the social aggregate and aggregate data. The first is simply a collection of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time, and the second refers to when we use summary statistics like averages to show something about a population or a social trend. The Social Aggregate A social aggregate is a collection of people who are in the same place at the same time, but who otherwise do not necessarily have anything in common, and who may not interact with each other. A social aggregate is different from a social group, which refers to two or more people who interact regularly and who have things in common, like a romantic couple, a family, friends, classmates, or coworkers, among others. A social aggregate is also different from a social category, which refers to a group of people defined by a shared social characteristic, like gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, class, etc. Every day we become part of social aggregates, like when we walk down a crowded sidewalk, eat in a restaurant, ride public transit with other passengers, and shop in stores. The only thing that binds them together is physical proximity. Social aggregates sometimes figure into sociology when researchers use a convenience sample to carry out a research project. They are also present in the work of sociologists who conduct participant observation or ethnographic research. For example, a researcher studying what happens in a particular retail setting might take note of the customers present, and document their demographic makeup by age, race, class, gender, etc., in order to provide a description of the social aggregate that shops at that store. Using Aggregate Data The more common form of an aggregate in sociology is aggregate data. This refers to when social scientists use summary statistics to describe a group or a social trend. The most common type of aggregate data is an average (mean, median, and mode), which allows us to understand something about a group, rather than considering data that represents specific individuals. Median household income is among the most commonly used forms of aggregate data within the social sciences. This figure represents the household income that sits exactly in the middle of the household income spectrum. Social scientists often look at changes in median household income over time in order to see long-term economic trends at the household level. We also use aggregate data to examine differences among groups, like the change over time in median household income, depending on onesà level of education. Looking at an aggregate data trend like this, we see that the economic value of a college degree relative to a high school degree is much greater today than it was in the 1960s. Another common use of aggregate data in social sciences is tracking income by gender and race. Most readers are probably familiar with the concept of the wage gap, which refers to the historical fact that women on average earn less than men and that people of color in the U.S. earn less than white people. This type of research is produced using aggregate data that shows averages of hourly, weekly, and annual earnings by race and gender, and it proves that despite legalized equality, interpersonal discrimination on the basis of gender and race still works to create an unequal society. Updatedà by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Edison and His Brilliance essays
Edison and His Brilliance essays Thomas A. Edison earned his reputation as one of America's greatest inventors and heroes. Full of innovation, ingenuity, and enterprise, Edison "embodie[d] much of what Americans have felt was positive about the national experience. " Edison can put claim to 1093 US patents in addition to thousands more international patents. His works include such major contributions as advancements in telegraphy, the phonograph, a perfected nickel-iron-alkaline battery, and the first commercially successful incandescent lighting system. As shown by his many patents, Edison not only contributed innovative technologies to society, but he was also a successful entrepreneur. Edison's success with the incandescent light was not only one of his greatest achievements, but also one of man's greatest achievements. Edison began tinkering with the notion of incandescence in 1876 up to 1878, when he dedicated his efforts to produce an economical electric light. He combined both his stunning intellect with his spirit for hard work to produce some of the world's greatest inventions. Finally in 1879, after nearly four years of tedious work, Edison's first success came about with the use of a carbonized cotton thread. Born on February 11, 1847 to Samuel and Nancy Edison, Thomas spent the first seven years of his life in Milan, Ohio, his place of birth. In 1854, opportunity took the Edison family to Port Huron, Michigan, a city twice the size of Milan. Edison's formal education ended after only three months of private schooling; he "responded poorly to the regimented atmosphere of the school," which caused some to see Edison as a "problem child. " However, Edison's mother, a former school teacher, began educating Thomas at home. Edison credits some of his creativity to his non-formal education, claiming that formal education, "cast 'the brain into a mould' and '[did] not encourage original thought or reasoning,' laying 'more stress on memory than on observ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Platos philosophical approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Platos philosophical approach - Essay Example In short, philosophy to me then was that a philosopher can be a good lawyer because he or she is so good in presenting valid and relevant data to support his or her thesis statement. Also, I have always wondered why there are so many religions in this world. I could not understand why each religious sect does not want to be called a sect but some prefer to be called a non denominational church. But they have different teachings pertaining to God and the world. I was also curious as to why some people prefer to be ATHEISTS. These are people who do not believe or worship God. Well, this is what drove me to study Philosophy. After taking up philosophy class, I now know the answers to my questions about life. I have learned that philosophy is the love and hunt for wisdom through understanding, intelligence, prudence and also moral discipline of oneself. Also, I discovered that philosophy is the research, survey and analysis and interpretation data pertaining to the nature, reasons, or doctrine of reality, knowledge or values. The study of philosophy is grounded on reasoning. This reasoning is also grounded on logic. The research in philosophy is not so much based on empirical methods. Furthermore, I have also learned that philosophy is the system of thinking that is grounded on inquiry. ... Furthermore, I have also learned that philosophy is the system of thinking that is grounded on inquiry. Fork the philosophy of inquiry was first propagated by Hume himself. I have also gotten used to looking at life as a person critically analyzing the basic suppositions and convictions. Also, my mind has been deluged with the various disciplines found in the university curriculums of science and the liberal arts. And, I am also learned that the disciplines of philosophy is compose of many sections. Some of these sections are logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. For example, I learned that if the first statement goes all birds fly and the second statement goes hawks are birds then the conclusion or third statement would be hawks can fly. Furthermore, I learned that philosophy is a set of ideas or principles that are concentrated on a specific field or activity, an underlying theory or an original philosophy of promotion or publicity. Finally, I have learned from my philosophy subject that philosophy is a system of values of a community where persons live. Finally, my first introduction to philosophy was that I was taught that the meaning of philosophy is LOVE OF WISDOM or philosophia) at least two quotations from your readings that were most important to you.This shows that my outlook in life before taking up philosophy classes has completely changed for the better. READINGS INCLUDE:In the Apology retrieved from life has been completely improved with Plato's famous statement in defence of charges falsely hurled against him stating "O Athenians, that I have nothing to do with these studies. Very many of those here present are witnesses to the truth
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sx-wk11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sx-wk11 - Essay Example EFT has nine steps that couples are led through and each one builds upon the other. There needs to be more multicultural research in this area to find out how EFT will work with a variety of couples. All of these challenges will prevent a couple from having a satisfying, enriching and intimate sexual relationship. As Humphrey (2007) stated, couples who are attached securely to themselves and other people will be better able to commit to each other within their couple relationship. Personally, I felt that attachment theory is very relevant to all types of relationships because people have to understand how to get close with each other if they want to move into sexual relationships. I think that attachments start by becoming friends and learning about each other. As the relationship progresses, if both individuals have formed secure attachments in their earlier relationships, a sexual relationship will happen easily and when it is time. Older people have always been an interesting aspect of my interest. Generally, they seem to be very active and very much alive. I have seen many elderly people who are still very active sexually. I think that although they may have physical problems, they do not have to stop living their lives. I agree that we need to "develop effective and safe treatments for these sexual problems". One of the challenges with this I believe is that there are many stereotyped ideas that people have regarding how people are when they are older. Many facilities that have older people will deny that they are sexually active; in fact, many discourage this activity. However, people in close quarters do fall in love just like anyone else and they should be allowed to have sex naturally in the way they would if they were living at home. I agree that mental healthcare professionals and healthcare personnel should make
Monday, November 18, 2019
Early Design on the American Landscape- TOPIC- Effigy Mounds, Iowa Essay
Early Design on the American Landscape- TOPIC- Effigy Mounds, Iowa - Essay Example It has been realized that a number of these ancient landscape designs have been eroded by the time factors but, the altered cultural model has necessitated the preservation of some of these remaining historic sites. It is imperative to explore various preservation concepts that have been used over time to keep the ancient artifacts and scenic landscape to the present time. US have numerous sites of cultural heritage that is characterized by a wide range of architectural techniques. Various modes of preservation have been used to keep such historical pieces of art on land. It is equally important to establish some of the original structures that existed where a given feature currently occupy. Effigy mounts has been referred to a representation of some sort in the form of a picture or object that is easily identifiable by many. It may also mean a symbol that is used by different cultures to for the purposes of historical value or having a known significance to such community or groups of communities (Birmingham, Robert and Leslie, 66). In the modern times however, icons of places are mostly represented by beautiful architectural buildings. Though past icons such as monuments, statues and historical buildings are still recognized as icons of different places, there is a rapid change in the way icons are perceived and this has been brought about by the construction of amazing pieces of architecture. This paradigm shift has been driven by the demand for popularity and instant fame as well as for business purposes. Different regions are now in competition with one another in the construction of stunning architectural buildings. Most of Effigy Mounts featuresââ¬â¢ management is undertaken by Natural resources department of Iowa. It is just one among the many state owned tourist attraction sites in the US in co-operation with the museum agencies of the federal state. Effigy mounds are one of the greatest caretakers of various attractive sites in US. The attractive f eature is found in Iowa State; this state is one of the centers that showcase the master piece of art. The planning of this state was so planned in a way that it captures the need of the entire community at large. The location of the park is so strategic that it lies between the outskirts of the main town centre and the upcoming neighborhood. In the context of art as a perfect tool that actually symbolizes the creativity and the ultimate performance of the society, we shall consider its land mark park. The design and the infrastructural alignment in the cityââ¬â¢s artistic work are such that administrative block being at the centre and residential environment forming an attractive settlement ring around it. About the Effigy mounts According to data from Effigy mounts, Iowa state city boasts of a well equipped schools of visual arts and monumental items where such beautiful artifacts are found. This state has various departments and these are divided into three main parts; one dea ls with filming affairs, another one repair and finally the department of artifacts. The library department is concerned with the management of the parkââ¬â¢s arts records which they can produce at the demand or consent of the stateââ¬â¢s authorities. There is a cultural heritage and museum department in the state which houses some of the finest artistic material in the region. Among them are some of the traditional items that were used
Friday, November 15, 2019
Causes of PSE and DFD Meats and Treatments
Causes of PSE and DFD Meats and Treatments What is PSE DFD meat? The terms pale, soft and exudative PSE and dark, firm and dry DFD describe two undesired quality characteristics that can be exhibited in the meat from most species of meat producing animals. However the PSE condition is predominantly found in pigs whilst the DFD condition occurs across all species. Within this essay the incidence rates of both PSE /DFD, the causative factors, consequences and commercial factors as well as prevention shall be considered. Pictures of the two conditions can be seen in fig 1. These undesirable conditions are very important when considering both functional and specified meat quality. They are significant factors that contribute to the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the entire sector and encompass wide ranging issues affecting meat production, profits, yields, animal welfare considerations, processing, customer perception, consumption, food safety, spoilage, waste and levels of carbon dioxide production. Both conditions affect the colour of meat, as it can be considered abnormally pale or dark relative to what is considered normal. Colour is one of the major discriminatory factors in a buyers selection, excessively pale or dark meat is unlikely to be purchased. The texture of the meat with PSE and DFD is also affected detrimentally leading to unacceptable levels of softness or firmness. Undesired changes in water holding capacity of the meat occur, leading to problems in processing and the commercial yields of products, as well as detrimental effects on the sensory attributes of meat such as juiciness or succulence. There is thought to be a link between DFD and a lack of flavour in a cooked product. The development of both PSE and DFD meat can be associated with earlier development of rigormortisà [1]à . Products may subjectively exhibit one or more of the descriptive characteristics e.g. too pale or too dark, too soft or too firm, too exudative or too dry relative to the characteristics of normal meat. Normal acidification of muscles after an animal is slaughtered occurs through glycolysis. Glycogen and creatine phosphate are depleted. Glycogen conversion to lactic acid is described here. C6H10O5 +H2Oà ¯Ãâà 2C3H6O3 There is no oxygen for aerobic metabolic processes to occur. The circulatory system can no longer remove lactic acid and it accumulates within the muscle. The abnormal conditions of PSE and DFD are linked to abnormally high or low acidity, thus the pH value of the meat can be used to more objectively describe the conditions at different times after slaughter (table 1). However these values can be different in different muscles within a carcass and different packaging methods may affect pH values. Accurate pH recordings are also particularly difficult with various methods having various problems such as lack of homogeneity of sample, fat smearing, dilution of sample etc. Using objective indices of PSE and DFD tends to produce higher estimates of the prevalence of the conditions in a population than using subjective assessment.à [2]à Subjective methods of gauging DFD / PSE using people may be less sensitive. People may only be able to judge the extremes of the conditions. There appears to be an increase in the levels of incidence of PSE and DFD. Within the United Kingdom one quarter of pigs may show evidence of PSE and one tenth DFD. The cost of PSE to the American pork industry was estimated at 30 million dollars in 1992, that of DFD pork 0.2 million dollarsà [3]à estimated at 16% and 10% of total United States production respectively. This gives an indication of the economic significance of the problems. The levels of glycogen available in the muscle prior to slaughter will determine the ultimate pH. These levels can be changed through stress, theses stresses prior to slaughter are the main factors involved in causing the PSE and DFD conditions. Although there are genetic, muscle composition and processing factors that can be instrumental, these shall be discussed later and these ultimately link to abnormalities in post mortem acidification of the muscles anyway, the effects of long term and short term stress shall be considered now. It is well known that the handling of meat animals prior to slaughter is not only important from a welfare point of view but also affects the quality of the resulting meatà [4]à . It has also been known for many years that hunted animals keep less well than those kept in relative calm conditions. With PSE the cause appears to be acute (or short term) stress to the animal prior to slaughter. This acute stress leads to rapid acidification as glycogen breaks down quickly after slaughter to give lactic acid, resulting in a low ultimate pH. If carcass temperatures are high e.g. within deep muscle regions of the carcass, or rates of cooling are not rapid enough, conditions can develop that allow denaturing of the proteins within these muscles. The muscles are characterised by having lower water holding capacity due to the myofibrillar components of the muscles shrinking. This expels fluids into the space between the muscle fibres. When cut the meat will exude or lose this fluid, this is called drip. Excessive drip represents a loss in total yield but is also unsightly in shelf ready packaging and less likely to be purchased by a potential consumer. The paler appearance of PSE meat is likely due to the different refractive index of the myofibrils and the sarcoplasm. The reduction in the size of the myofilament lattice increases the light reflected from the meat, less light is absorbed by the meat, more is reflected and crucially blood pigments like myoglobin absorb less green light making the meat look more yellow as opposed to red. Also the low ultimate pH promotes oxidation of myoglobin and oxyglobin to metmyoglobin which makes the meat appear browner rather than red or purple. Again this discoloration makes the product less likely to be purchased at point of sale DFD is caused by chronic (or long term) stress to the animal. Glycogen levels are depleted prior to death, meaning that less glycogen is converted to lactic acid after slaughter and the ultimate pH of the meat remains high. Being closer to pH neutral there are significant issues with potential spoilage organisms and food borne pathogens as well as the quality issues discussed here. With a high ultimate pH there is less denaturing of the proteins leading to increased binding of the fluids and less exudates or drip giving a firm dry appearance. The lattice of myofilaments which shrank in the case of PSE does not in the case of DFD. This means that the affects of the refractive index differences of the myofibrils and sarcoplasm are reduced. More light is absorbed with less reflected leading to a darker colour. The tightly packed structure with less extracellular space between the fibres means that less oxidation of the myoglobin can occur, surface oxidation only may occur as oxygen cannot permeate the structure, this leads to a thin translucent / red outside layer with the reduced purple myoglobin pigment predominantly showing through from underneath this thin layer. The stress factors to consider are many fold but are worth at this stage categorising as acute and chronic in terms fear, pain and physical stress and their potential affect on the PSE DFD conditions. These might include noise, temperature variations, fasting or starvation, overcrowding or being put with animals of different social groups. Practical causes of short term stress might include reaction to goading, striking, restraining systems or conveyors, long term stressors associated with DFD might include long transport journeys and being exposed to other social groups of animals for periods of time. Young Bulls and veal calves have been linked to higher incident rates of DFD perhaps due to storage conditions and their fractious nature when exposed to other social groups, respectively. Different species are known to show different sensitivities to different stress factors, for example sheep are known to be less sensitive to noise than pigs. With pigs in particular there appears to be a genetic link to them being susceptible to stress, this is sometimes known as porcine stress syndrome. It exists as a double recessive gene that when apparent as an abnormal homozygote can be exposed and witnessed as a reaction to Halothane. Typically pigs with this double recessive gene react by becoming rigid and tense as opposed to the usual symptoms of anaesthesia through halothane In pigs with this mutation, Ca2+ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum at a rate that is equivalent to twice that of normalà [5]à Glycogen conversion to lactic acid happens much more readily and there are higher incidence of PSE amongst this genetic grouping. Measures to breed this characteristic out of pigs have been tried, it is thought that selective breeding for confirmation and fat level may have brought about this genetic mutation. The Halothane test does not work on the heterozygote parent and DNA tests are required to identify parents with the mutation to try and breed this sensitivity out. Another gene has been identified in certain strains of the Hampshire breed of pigs, known as the RN- gene. It is thought that this mutation increases the glycogen content of the white muscles that contain a higher number of glycolytic fibres, again resulting in post mortem rapid acidification leading to a lower pHu upon death leading to the PSE condition. There are other breed effects which can be demonstrated by a comparative study undertaken (Table 2) where traditional breeds were compared against modern commercially important breeds and an extreme of muscularity, this also seems to demonstrate a correlation between lighter more exudative muscles in those bred for confirmation or muscularity. In the search for modern breeds of the desired confirmation, stress susceptibility may have also been bred in. Even within the defined subjective and objective norms there are variations of colour, texture, pH and water holding capacity within different muscles of the carcasses of all species. The muscles affected by a particular stressor may be specific to a region of the anatomy rather than throughout the entire carcass. A particularly undesirable effect can be seen in the two tone appearance of meat, where the PSE, DFD and normal conditions can be exhibited in the extreme within a single carcass. An animal that is susceptible to PSE may exhibit DFD characteristics in those muscles that have been subject to long term stressors and thus have glycogen depletion prior to death. However some of the other muscles e.g. m. longissimus dorsi, within the same pig that are less likely to have glycogen depletion may exhibit the PSE condition. Processing methods can also have an effect, carcass cooling regimes that dont achieve deep muscle temperatures that are cold enough or at the wrong cooling rates can contribute to the conditions required to denature the proteins and exhibit the PSE condition. Howard and Lawrie (1956) found that the rate of pH fall post mortem was inversely proportional to the tenderness of the meat on subsequent cookingà [6]à Animal handling systems, shearing washing, crushing etc will have a direct effect on the levels of glycogen within the muscle systems and so ultimately the levels of PSE DFD occurring. Being able to measure stress indicators and indices of PSE DFD is critical if there is to be an understanding of the prevention of stress and therefore a reduction in the incidence of PSE and DFD in meat. Measurements of the level blood lactic acid, levels of creatine kinase and the electrical characteristics of pork through electrical impedance can give good objective indicators. Levels of cortisol, creatine kinase, pH and colour characteristics measured through online light reflectance spectrophotometrey can give objective PSE DFD measurements. Signs of stress in the animals can give ante mortem indications. These might be obvious in the case of fallen or injured stock but may also include levels of vocalisation, mounting, biting etc as less obvious indicators. Identifying an reducing these conditions is the key in improving functional and specified meat quality, most of the work undertaken to reduce the levels of PSE and DFD is involved in improving welfare conditions of animals in the short and longer term leading up to slaughter. It is a difficult process to reduce stressors, even with very careful handling the animals are subject to a degree of stress. Keeping handling to a minimum is the ideal situation, carefully controlling transport, design of transport to prevent loading and unloading stress, training and certification schemes to improve the skills and knowledge of animal handlers. With pigs it would be better to avoid breeding the susceptible genotypes although as seen there appears to be a direct correlation between improved confirmation and musculature and the stress susceptibility mutation. Keeping animals, especially young bulls in their own social groups would seem to be a logical preventative measure but can be very difficul t to achieve. Physical measures like cooling pigs with water sprays and covering the pens of young bulls may help stop such stress behaviour as fighting and mounting, adding supplements to feed and watering systems prior to slaughter in order to try and replenish glycogen levels may be one way in order to reduce the number of incidence of PSE , DFD as may using tranquilisers and muscle relaxants, however there are issues of potential residues in meat as well as negatively effecting the quality expectations of the consumer by treating an animal in this way. In conclusion to reduce the levels of PSE DFD in meat of all species a combined approach of improving welfare conditions, reducing fear, physical stress and pain, training and education staff, as well as online monitoring and feedback to key stakeholders is required. Carcass cooling rates should be closely controlled. There is a need to develop new methods of objective measurement, both as soon as possible after slaughter and at point of sale, emerging technologies such as near infra red spectrophotometrey, nuclear magnetic resonance, developments in immunoassay techniques and genetic markers may help us identify and prevent the causes of PSE and DFD. Linking the relationship of animal welfare and profit is very important, Traditionally it has been thought that increasing welfare means increasing costs, for example in stocking densities of transport. In seeing that increasing welfare conditions could actually be a profitable activity, aiding reduced quality complaints, increased yiel ds, better sales and less waste there is an opportunity to have large positive impact on the well being of the whole meat sector. there are few, if any, figures comparing the overall economics of these alternatives. However it seems the net effect of greater care could often be greater profitabilityà [7]à .
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Disgusted Teacher :: Teachers Teaching Education Writing Essays
The Disgusted Teacher In her paper, a student must not only support her belief in the death penalty, but also present counter-arguments to the readings. In response to an essay which claims that the death penalty is used in a racially biased way, the student writes, "Mostly blacks are given the death penalty because blacks are more violent and commit more crimes than other races." A student's assignment asks whether or not the U.N. should put a stop to infibulation in the Third World. The assignment is couched in and refers back to readings about multiculturalism and respect for other systems of belief. The student bypasses these questions and, as his main argument, suggests that infibulation should not be stopped because women who have had the operation, unlike American women, do not cheat on their husbands. A student comes into the University Writing Center, seeking help with a first year composition assignment on homosexual marriage. Her ideas are unfocused and she has no support for her view that gays should not be allowed to marry. After a half-hour, the student finally reveals that she is having trouble because, like Queen Victoria, she doesn't believe homosexuals actually exist. The frustrated (and gay) tutor bursts out with, "Well, you've been talking to one for the last half hour!" It can happen at any moment, to any instructor, that sudden, unreal feeling when a student voices a view that seems simply wrong. Not unsupported, or badly thought out, but simply, obviously and completely wrong. Women are biologically programmed to be neater than men. Vegetarians are cold all the time and die early because they don't eat enough protein. Children placed in day care grow up to be psychopathic killers. These kinds of views can surface anytime, but they seem to come up more often and to be more of a problem in first-year writing classes. They come up more often, it seems, because first-year writing classes are small, discussion-driven and tend to focus on building arguments by examining such controversial topics as abortion and the death penalty. First-year writing classes also focus on the student's ability to present and defend an opinion, rather than master a set of facts or theories. They are more problematic in these classes than elsewhere because the opinions form the basis of written work.
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